We have been involved with tourism since 1985. We are local people who have found a passion for family heritage, food & cooking, along with our cultural heritage.

With over 40 years working in the tourism sector here in Gros Morne National Park, Stan and Jenny have a wealth of experience in the service industry.  We have built a strong reputation, we love people and people love us . . . we look forward to meeting you soon.

Stan, a self-taught Chef, is usually hanging out in the kitchen at the Seaside Restaurant in Trout River or at the Merchant Warehouse in Woody Point, preparing some of his favorite dishes of lobster, scallops and other seafood specialties. With Stan’s love for cooking and years of experience your taste buds are in for a real treat!

Jenny, on the other hand, prefers to be out and about, ensuring that you have a pleasant experience.  Although Jenny has worked the business alongside Stan for over 40 years, she is a retired physical education teacher since 2013. She is always there to lend a hand and assure her guests get the best possible service.

Throughout the years, our businesses have been featured in many travel books, magazines, and newspapers throughout the world.

Kendra, being the only child, has been immersed in the tourism business since birth.  At the age of two she began passing out business cards.  Kendra has been working at the Merchant Warehouse for several summers now.  Her talents and people skills have made the Merchant a very welcoming place.  You may even find Kendra in the music corner on many occasions.  Her voice is full and engaging, capturing her audience every time.


Our main focus is on local fresh fish, local produce, as well as Newfoundland wines and spirits.

Every year since 1985, we have been meeting new people, as well as connecting with many former guests.  We love helping people enjoy the wonders of Gros Morne National Park.  Over the years, we have been the proud recipients of a variety of awards: Ambassador of Newfoundland & Labrador Hospitality, Parks Canada’s Sustainable Tourism Award, Restaurant Hall of Fame, the Norman Parsons Memorial Award, and Where to Eat in Canada.  Our businesses or some aspect of our businesses have been featured in many travel articles and magazines throughout the years.  Our most recent is Jenny’s TV appearance on CBC with Jonny Harris in Still Standing.  We love sharing our Love of Woody Point and Trout River with you!

Merchant Warehouse

Woody Point

Woody Point


Seaside Restaurant

Trout River

Drop by while visiting Gros Morne National Park, we would love to meet you!